
Student  |  Adult  |  体育  |  Performance  |  Faith-based  |  Specialty

Experience Prince George's for all your group tour and travel needs. 在一切的中心, Prince George's is neighbor to our Nation's Capital - minutes from downtown 华盛顿 DC. 我们也是该地区几个顶级景点的所在地, 比如美国六旗, 国家港口, 大写的轮子, 盖洛德国家度假村 & 会议中心,国家野生动物游客中心,以及更多! We can assist in refining your visit - whether a day trip or multi-night stay.  



来我们的浮筒船吧 解释性内河游船之旅 风景秀丽的阿纳科斯蒂亚河! 公众游船游览于四月至十月的指定日期*. 我们欢迎学校, 组, 企业, and organizations to call ahead and schedule a paid private boat tour separate from the regularly scheduled public tours. Private boat tours can be general river interpretation or themed such as "Wetlands,”“1812年战争,”“印第安人,”“布莱登斯堡的历史,还有更多. Many park rentals and services are now available for online reservation. 皮艇和独木舟租赁可通过在线预订. 私人乘船游览也可以.

布莱登斯堡海滨公园 马里兰州布莱登斯堡,安纳波利斯路4601号 访问的网站

直流的野生 & 奇妙的连接

国家 野生动物游客中心,美国鱼类 & 帕塔克森特研究保护区野生动物管理局

回归自然!  The 国家 野生动物游客中心 is one of the largest science and environmental education center in the Department of Interior.  这个独特的U.S. 鱼 & 野生动物服务设施, 位于帕塔克森特研究避难所, 特色互动展览, 野生动物的栖息地, 以及, wildlife-oriented项目. 

1936年根据富兰克林·D·罗斯福总统的行政命令成立. 罗斯福, the Patuxent Research Refuge is the nation's first and only 国家 Wildlife Refuge devoted to wildlife research. With land surrounding the Patuxent and Little Patuxent Rivers between 华盛顿, D.C. 和巴尔的摩, MD, 避难所已经从最初的2个发展起来了,从670英亩到现在的13英亩,000英亩.

The 游客中心 provides visitors of all ages with knowledge 和一个ppreciation of the role of wildlife research in preserving the earth's vital resources. 互动展览关注全球环境问题, 候鸟路线, 野生动物的栖息地, 濒危物种恢复工作. 周围的森林, 湖泊 and trails provide opportunities for wildlife-oriented recreation, 教育项目和团体旅游. State-of-the-art exhibits demonstrate the value of wildlife research and the importance of making informed choices for the good of our environment.

周围的森林, 湖泊, and trails provide outstanding opportunities for wildlife-oriented recreation, 教育项目和团体旅游.

国家 野生动物游客中心 | Patuxent Research Refuge | 109001 Scarlet Tanager Loop | Laurel, MD 20708 | 访问的网站

哨兵,阴谋 & 刺客之飞!

华盛顿 & 苏拉特之家

Prince George’s County, Maryland was a sentry for a young, turbulent nation.  It was also an infamous component in one of the country’s greatest conspiracies – the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln.  十大老品牌网赌网址大全 and experience two Prince George’s County 网站 closely intertwined with our country’s struggle to arrive into “national adulthood.”

第一个, 我们邀请您来十大老品牌网赌网址大全历史遗迹, 华盛顿堡, 作为保卫国家首都的无声哨兵, 180多年来. 堡 华盛顿 is one of the few remaining Seacoast 堡s in its original design and the only permanent fortification built to defend the river approach to the Nation's Capital.

接下来,参观臭名昭著的苏拉特故居. Once operated by Mary Surratt, it offers a walk through a page in American history. This simple country home was built in 1852, at a crossroads later known as Surrattsville. 1865年春天, that name would be linked to the greatest crime of the 19th century - the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln.  和, 因为她和约翰·威尔克斯·布斯的关系, Mary Surratt would become the first woman executed by the United States government.

华盛顿公园 华盛顿堡路13551号,马里兰州华盛顿堡20744 访问的网站

苏拉特故居博物馆 马里兰州克林顿市白兰地酒路9110号20735 访问的网站


学院公园 航空博物馆

在CPAM起飞!  学院公园航空博物馆, 史密森学会的附属机构, is located on the grounds of the world's oldest continuously operating airport in 学院公园, MD. 

The 学院公园 Airport is listed on the 国家史迹名录 and is considered one of the most significant airfields in aviation history.  The airport was founded in 1909 when Wilbur Wright came here to give flight instruction to the 1st military aviators.  It is particularly significant for the well-known aviators 和一个viation inventors who played a part in this field's long history.

Visitors to the museum step back in time with displays of unique aircraft 和一个rtifacts that tells the story of the airport's many “first” in flight.  The museum gallery contains historic and reproduction aircraft associated with the history of the airfield, 以及 hands-on activities and interpretive areas for all ages. Changing exhibits and new programs every month keep visitors coming back for more.

学院公园 航空博物馆 1985年弗兰克·斯科特下士大道|马里兰州大学公园20740 | 访问的网站



Grab your bicycle and take a ride through Prince George's County while exploring it's rich history.

The 阿纳科斯蒂亚步道遗产区 is one of 13 Heritage Areas certified by the State of Maryland under the 马里兰州遗产区管理局. Heritage Areas contribute to the state and local economy through tourism. 2020年12月,中美两国 全州经济影响研究 和一个 马里兰州里程碑经济影响研究 were completed, detailing our contributions to the state and local economies. 

2001年获得认证; 阿纳科斯蒂亚步道遗产区 encompasses over 100 square miles of Northern Prince Georges County – bordered by 华盛顿, D.C. 向南, 蒙哥马利县在西边, Howard and Anne Arundel County to the North and encompassing portions of 鲍伊, 格伦戴尔, 东边是切弗利. 东部边界于2017年进行了修订.

The Heritage Area is managed by 阿纳科斯蒂亚步道遗产区 Inc.  车队旅之行公司艾莎跟. 致力于保护和促进历史, 艺术, 文化, 和自然资源. 车队旅之行公司艾莎跟. 通过伙伴关系、项目和拨款来完成工作. Our partnerships include Federal partners (Beltsville Agri文化 Research Center, 美国国家航空航天局戈达德, 绿地国家公园, and the Patuxent Wildlife Refuge); State Partners (MHAA, Office of Tourism Development) Regional Partners (Prince George’s Conference and Visitors Bureau, 马里兰州国家首都公园和规划委员会, Prince George’s County); and local partners, 网站, 、直辖市. 我们的参与城市是布莱登斯堡, 科尔庄园, 城市别墅, Edmonston, 董事的高度, 绿地, 学院公园, Mt. 雷尼尔山, Hyattsville, 布伦特伍德, 北布伦特伍德, 里弗代尔公园, 大学公园, 贝尔茨维尔地区, 鲍伊, 表现, 以及格伦戴尔附近的非建制地区.

阿纳科斯蒂亚步道遗产区 | Maryland Milestones Heritage Center 4318 Gallatin Street | Hyattsville, MD 20781 | 访问的网站 


The Ride As One Experience - Guided motorcycle tours focusing on the mid eastern areas of the US and beyond.  Specializing in “Weekend Warrior” getaways 和一个mazing multi day experiences at affordable prices.  游览时间为3-14天,包括马里兰州的景点, 维吉尼亚州, 宾西法尼亚, 特拉华州, 纽约, 新泽西, 加拿大, 西维吉尼亚州, 田纳西州, 阿肯色州, 乔治亚州, 密西西比州, 南卡罗来纳, 北卡罗莱纳, 阿拉巴马州, 肯塔基州, 俄亥俄州和其他州.  不要担心细节,只管骑!





We have exciting all-inclusive 团体旅游 Packages available from our partner 中大西洋之旅 & 接受服务 (火星 & 公司)和盖洛德国家度假村. 这里有一些令人惊叹的产品:

港对港 (5天4夜)

一个快乐的圣诞节- dc圣诞市场和魔法! (4天3夜)




学院公共汽车 (ExPGC签名合作伙伴)

703.392.8687  |  访问的网站



301.778.2007 | htoffice@haymarkettrans.com |  访问的网站

华盛顿特区的Martz Gray Line


301.386.8300 | dsnyder@martzgroup.com |  访问的网站

" class="hidden">河北旅游职业学院